If you have not already had a chance to view the 2020 SPISD Restart Plan and Health Guidance document you may access it on the school website or through this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/15V8m5sZcijfK8xJZEOdI5bvwqlI9npat/view?usp=sharing Further details about the start of classes will be coming in the next few days. Be sure to check the website for updates.
over 4 years ago, Andy Bates
over 4 years ago, Andy Bates
over 4 years ago, Andy Bates
If you have not already done so, please complete this survey for parents/guardians of High School students: https://forms.gle/GDUBRmg9Nu6Mv4Q87
over 4 years ago, Andy Bates
If you have a student that will be participating in High School Fall Sports for the 2020-2021 School Year please complete this survey - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSciVKEEBOPFQ1Yjfhqe69stewuMRFyLYhmQn8kyNoZO4qLtVw/viewform?usp=pp_url Reminder: Students will need to attend in-person classes to be part of in-person extracurricular activities such as sports.
over 4 years ago, Andy Bates
Special Call SPISD Board Meeting to propose tax rate Monday, August 17, 2020 @ 6PM in SPISD Board Room 6:15 PM - Monthly SPISD Board Meeting
over 4 years ago, Andy Bates
Updated information concerning the 20-21 school year and SPISD's Covid Response https://5il.co/iksv
over 4 years ago, Andy Bates
UIL Boot Camp Virtual Sessions Schedule is posted in the UIL Academics google class room (code: akogp36) Here we go!
over 4 years ago, Andy Bates
UIL Academic Virtual Boot Camp will be starting Monday, July 27th! Please join the UIL Academics google classroom (code: akogp36) for details. This information will also be available on the school website.
over 4 years ago, Troy Gragg
Parents, please click on the following link OR visit our website, www.sabinepass.net, to fill out our Sabine Pass Fall Planning Survey. This important survey is part of an effort to better prepare the district for serving your students. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uKrU9fsWbo9oCwZcUw_2QMtDGWrLjgOdsUHqJelgfYU/edit?ts=5efc9ced
over 4 years ago, Troy Gragg